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Filmen är hela 1 tim. & 18 min. lång och innehåller massor av häftiga flugfiskescener i Eldslandets fantastiskt vackra & storslagna natur. Filmen innehåller också exklusiva bilder på världens största fågel "Kondoren" samt fina ridscener i denna ännu oförstörda vildmark. Det är ett fantastiskt flugfiskeäventyr som ni bara inte får missa! För mer info samt en titt på trailern, kika in på http://www.fiskefilm.se/

The Angling Exploration Group recently announced the first installment of "The Trout Bum Diaries", a revolutionary style fly fishing video just released. This video is the result of five months of sleeping in the dirt, driving for 11,998 kilometers from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia, river after river and lake after lake along the Andes, the spine of South America.
Check out the teaser Click Here!
What's revolutionary about this video? The world of fly fishing is filled with videos and television shows on everything from casting skills to what outfitter to fish with in Montana. There is very little in the industry that is "pure entertainment", and this DVD fills the void.
This film is laid out in a modified video style, with fast action and commentary between music sequences. It is shot "trout bum style", and is filled with shots of real life trout bums sleeping in the dirt, exploring new waters, hiking streams, floating rivers, and of course, catching fish! You won't find any instructional commentary here; this is pure fly fishing entertainment.
What you will find is lots of high-action, fish catching, exploring, scenery, and real life shots. You will be able to join us on our fly fishing adventures through the jungles mountains, spring creeks, sprawlin rivers, and deserts of this unique part of South America, all in the comfort of your home in front of your home entertainment system.
This video documents the voyage of four trout bums on an epic fly fishing expedition across Argentina and Chile. Does 5 pound brook trout in a creepy middle earth style forest appeal to you? Broken windows and snapped axles? Uniquely colored brown trout from a wind-swept spring creek? Stripping mouse patterns for big rainbows with flamingos and the ghosts of Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid catch your interest? Crystal-clear New Zealand style rivers with big trout? Horse-packing trips into glacial rivers? Tierra Del Fuego and the sea-run brown trout of the south? Pure fishing entertainment?
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